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Робота з серії Grave flowers.

Концепція серії. All art, especially fine art, is full of many symbols. A large layer of such symbols are flowers that have been introduced by artists into art since ancient times. Flowers have always attracted a person's attention with their colorful appearance. In the traditions of many peoples, including the Slavs, a particularly reverent attitude to floristics arose quite early. The symbolism of the flower is reflected in religion, art and everyday life. In a symbolic sense, they represent a feminine, passive principle, a certain form of container, a flower bowl. A flower in a bud is just a potential opportunity. This is especially emphasized in the symbolism of the lotus in the East and the rose or lily in the West. The expansion into the phenomenal world and the shape of the open flower connect it to the symbolism of the wheel with rays diverging from the center. It is believed that flowers on art canvases are often present in still lifes as decoration. However, flowers can not only beautify the look of the picture, but also reveal the secret meaning, convey the message to the attentive viewer. The symbolism of flowers emphasizes their connection with the cycle of life and death. The flower is a symbol of ephemerality, shortness of being, spring, beauty, perfection, innocence, youth, soul. Certain aspects of the image are due to the presence of aroma; various additional connotations are related to shape and color.

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Про авторку

Народилася у Кропивницькому в 1994 році. Навчалась у Львівській національній академії мистецтв. У 2019 році закінчила кафедру монументального живопису, отримавши ступінь магістра. Художня практика сфокусована на живописі. Переважно досліджує побутові теми крізь особисту призму сприйняття символів життя та смерті. Живе і працює у Києві.

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