Робота з серії Butterflies.
Концепція серії. The modern world is very multifold and speedy. Quite often, a man faces an extremely wide variety of events, triggering emotions, absorbing a person into a difficult and sometimes inexplicable condition. The “Menu” of these conditions becomes so vast, that one has no chance with self-concentration. The picture of the world is like a puzzle, which demands many efforts for being done. The harmony is almost unachievable because of different stress situations, brought to us by the modern reality. The consciousness sends us into a wonderful journey, which frightens sometimes. The cocktail, mixed of different feelings may sometimes absorb us into quite a strange and even a dangerous condition. The co-existence with ourselves becomes difficult, that is why one can endure a posttraumatic syndrome called “derealization” sometimes. Derealization – (allopsychic depersonalization) – the disorder of perception, which lies in the perception of the environment as something unreal or remote, devoid of its colors, which in its turn may result memory disorders. Sometimes this phenomenon may be accompanied by the condition of “already seen” (déjà vu) or “never seen” (jamais vu).